15th Mosquito Control Association of Australia Conference

The new normal: Responding to emerging and resurging mosquito risks
20-24 August 2023, Alexandra Hills Hotel, Alexandra Hills, QLD

15th Mosquito Control Association of Australia Conference

The new normal: Responding to emerging and resurging mosquito risks
20-24 August 2023, Alexandra Hills Hotel, Alexandra Hills, QLD

15th Mosquito Control Association of Australia Conference

The new normal: Responding to emerging and resurging mosquito risks
20-24 August 2023, Alexandra Hills Hotel, Alexandra Hills, QLD

Key Dates

Registration: Now Open
Abstract Submission Deadline: 22nd March 2023
Author Notification: 28th April 2023
Conference Program Available: May 2023
Early & Author Registration Deadline: 7th July 2023

Express Your Interest

Fill in the expression of interest form to be kept up to date with information on the 15th Mosquito Control Association of Australia Conference.


The Conference committee is committed to developing a comprehensive program and the preliminary program outline will be available soon.

The Conference

The 15th Mosquito Control Association of Australia (MCAA) Conference will be held at the Alexandra Hills Hotel, Alexandra Hills, QLD. The Conference will be held from Sunday 20th – Thursday 24th August 2023.

The theme of the Conference is “The new normal: Responding to emerging and resurging mosquito risks”. The program will showcase some of the innovative and strategic responses to mosquito threats locally and their implications for managing global vector-borne disease threats.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, invasive mosquito surveillance, operational challenges in mosquito management, vector competence studies, citizen science and community engagement, emerging technologies in mosquito surveillance and control, and environmental studies in mosquito biology and management. There will be one day devoted to presentations pertaining to the 2022 Japanese encephalitis outbreak in Australia.

The Conference is an opportunity for researchers, mosquito control operators, health workers, biosecurity officers, equipment and chemical suppliers from around Australia gather to discuss the latest technologies and strategies for mosquito surveillance and control. Issues covered will range from local government and their work “on the ground” to world class research in Australian institutions.

The Conference is for anyone interested in exploring the latest advances in mosquito biology and ecology, the arboviruses they carry and their management. It will bring together over 120 mosquito and mosquito-borne pathogen research scientists, virologists, field biologists, clinicians, vets and vector control specialists.

The Conference will include outstanding Australian and international speakers, discussion groups and plenary presentations, as well as student activities. A welcome reception on Sunday evening and a Conference dinner on Wednesday evening will ensure networking opportunities for all attending.

About the Mosquito Control Association

Mosquito Control Association of Australia Inc.

The Mosquito Control Association of Australia (MCAA) was established in 2000 to provide a community for mosquito control and management experts within Australia. The organisation brings together experts from Local and State Government, Universities, research organisations, the pest control industry and chemical manufacturers in an effort to share knowledge and experiences for improved mosquito management into the future.

The organisation provides training and conferences for the dissemination of information on mosquito control and management. Further the MCAA provides a central repository for reference material and other resources to ensure up to date information can be available for mosquito managers conducting control efforts in the field. Further, the MCAA issue a biannual Magazine including the latest state reports and interesting articles on mosquito management and control options.

A biennial conference allows the exchange of the most recent research into mosquito management and provides a local government perspective to current issues and control options available across Australia under differing environmental and habitat conditions experiences across our vast continent. The conference also provides up to date State reports on disease occurrence allowing a national perspective on disease control efforts. Every four years, the MCAA joins with Arbovirus Research in Australia (ARA) to hold a joint MCAA/ARA conference, providing the dissemination of the latest research and reports on arboviruses circulating in Australia and the potential for new arbovirus detection and threats to be discussed.

The MCAA has a strong leadership team that oversees the activities of the Association. There is a wide membership group including individuals and corporations across Australia. Further the MCAA is supported by a number of sponsors associated with mosquito control in Australia.

Additional information can be found at mcaa.org.au

Conference Commences in






